We talk about "goals" all the time. We read about goals all the time. We are encouraged to set goals and have goals and make decisions based on those goals. However, too often these goals exist as somewhat vague, often overwhelming, yet very much desired ideas of where we wish we could end up. Think about someone you know (or perhaps even yourself) who is always talking about doing something or wanting to start something or wishing for something. Now, think about what they do each and everyday. Are the things they do in congruence with what they say or what they are working toward?
Goals are often ideas.
For a goal to be valid, you must know your tactics.
Tactics are what you will commit to each day, week, month, etc. to progress toward what you will accomplish in the long-term.
For example:
If you have a goal of working out more this summer, expand beyond that to give yourself tactics, metrics and accountability.
"I will work out more this summer by scheduling 4 hours off each week and packing my gym bag each morning, in order to be at the gym for my 6:00pm training sessions."
Suddenly, a vague and lofty idea becomes something tangible, manageable, with a clear vision of what you will do each day and week.
Tip: When goal setting, consider both short-term and long-term goals. For each goal, identify 3 tactics you will commit to in order to achieve that goal. Then, consider possible obstacles that may present themselves for these tactics and prepare a plan for working ahead and preventing these potential challenges.
In addition to setting clear, defined goals and expectations, it is critical to understand your intentions. Anytime you set an aim, ask yourself "why" 5 times until you uncover your deepest motivation for the goal.
Here is an example of how that might go:
I want to workout more this summer.
Why do I want to workout more this summer?
I want to workout more this summer so I can stay in shape for the annual beach trip.
Why do I feel I need to stay in shape for the beach trip?
I want to stay in shape for the beach trip because I feel self concious in my swim suit.
Why do I feel self conscious in my swim suit?
I feel self conscious in my swim suit because I haven't been able to stick to a consistent exercise routine this past year and I don't always make the best food choices, especially on weekends.
Why haven't I been able to stick to a consistent, healthy routine and make good choices?
It's been difficult for me to find the motivation to workout since I moved to a new city last year and I don't know a lot of people yet. At the end of the week I'm pretty stressed out and feel kind of lonely when the work week is over, so I tend to go out and over indulge to escape things a little.
Here is what we just found out, with only 4 "whys," the general idea of wanting to workout more has much bigger implications to feeling fierce for beach season. It's about finding yourself, prioritizing your health, getting your energy and motivation back, and finding your stride in a new place. By uncovering your deepest motivation of wanting to feel confident and social and happy and back-in-charge, you have SO much more fuel to workout more this summer. There is more on the line, and you know why it matters for you. If it matters to you, you will make it a priority rather than making excuses.
So, we know how to set specific goals and tactics...how to find your motivation and your 'why'...what's the final piece to set yourself up for success?
It's all about congruence and focusing on realistic results.
We often get super excited about our possible outcome, before giving much thought about what it will take to get there. Consider what you are willing to adjust in your everyday lifestyle. What can you compromise on and what are you not willing to? It will not serve you to set goals or tactics that you know you cannot meet.
Life is is about balancing competing demands. Not everyone wants to spend their Friday and Saturday nights squeezing in those extra workouts. That's okay. If you benefit more from having that time to relax with family or friends, recognize and embrace that. Of course, make good choices during these times, but know that the goals you aim for will need to accommodate you not having those Friday or Saturday night workouts. Find another way to accomplish what you're aiming for. You must enjoy your lifestyle on the way to your eventual goals, or you will find a million excuses to jump ship.
Discover ways for your daily lifestyle to act in congruence with your desired outcomes.
In summary, set yourself up for consistent success by:
1. Setting detailed tactics for your goals
2. Giving weight to these goals by unlocking your intentions
3. Work for realistic results by finding congruence in your actions and aims
One Life, Live Infinitely,
-Coach Cassie
Goals are often ideas.
For a goal to be valid, you must know your tactics.
Tactics are what you will commit to each day, week, month, etc. to progress toward what you will accomplish in the long-term.
For example:
If you have a goal of working out more this summer, expand beyond that to give yourself tactics, metrics and accountability.
"I will work out more this summer by scheduling 4 hours off each week and packing my gym bag each morning, in order to be at the gym for my 6:00pm training sessions."
Suddenly, a vague and lofty idea becomes something tangible, manageable, with a clear vision of what you will do each day and week.
Tip: When goal setting, consider both short-term and long-term goals. For each goal, identify 3 tactics you will commit to in order to achieve that goal. Then, consider possible obstacles that may present themselves for these tactics and prepare a plan for working ahead and preventing these potential challenges.
In addition to setting clear, defined goals and expectations, it is critical to understand your intentions. Anytime you set an aim, ask yourself "why" 5 times until you uncover your deepest motivation for the goal.
Here is an example of how that might go:
I want to workout more this summer.
Why do I want to workout more this summer?
I want to workout more this summer so I can stay in shape for the annual beach trip.
Why do I feel I need to stay in shape for the beach trip?
I want to stay in shape for the beach trip because I feel self concious in my swim suit.
Why do I feel self conscious in my swim suit?
I feel self conscious in my swim suit because I haven't been able to stick to a consistent exercise routine this past year and I don't always make the best food choices, especially on weekends.
Why haven't I been able to stick to a consistent, healthy routine and make good choices?
It's been difficult for me to find the motivation to workout since I moved to a new city last year and I don't know a lot of people yet. At the end of the week I'm pretty stressed out and feel kind of lonely when the work week is over, so I tend to go out and over indulge to escape things a little.
Here is what we just found out, with only 4 "whys," the general idea of wanting to workout more has much bigger implications to feeling fierce for beach season. It's about finding yourself, prioritizing your health, getting your energy and motivation back, and finding your stride in a new place. By uncovering your deepest motivation of wanting to feel confident and social and happy and back-in-charge, you have SO much more fuel to workout more this summer. There is more on the line, and you know why it matters for you. If it matters to you, you will make it a priority rather than making excuses.
So, we know how to set specific goals and tactics...how to find your motivation and your 'why'...what's the final piece to set yourself up for success?
It's all about congruence and focusing on realistic results.
We often get super excited about our possible outcome, before giving much thought about what it will take to get there. Consider what you are willing to adjust in your everyday lifestyle. What can you compromise on and what are you not willing to? It will not serve you to set goals or tactics that you know you cannot meet.
Life is is about balancing competing demands. Not everyone wants to spend their Friday and Saturday nights squeezing in those extra workouts. That's okay. If you benefit more from having that time to relax with family or friends, recognize and embrace that. Of course, make good choices during these times, but know that the goals you aim for will need to accommodate you not having those Friday or Saturday night workouts. Find another way to accomplish what you're aiming for. You must enjoy your lifestyle on the way to your eventual goals, or you will find a million excuses to jump ship.
Discover ways for your daily lifestyle to act in congruence with your desired outcomes.
In summary, set yourself up for consistent success by:
1. Setting detailed tactics for your goals
2. Giving weight to these goals by unlocking your intentions
3. Work for realistic results by finding congruence in your actions and aims
One Life, Live Infinitely,
-Coach Cassie